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Livraison OFFERTE dès 90 €uros d'achats vers la
France, Belgique, Espagne, Pays-Bas, Luxembourg.

Support Client 24h/24

Botox Organic Btxx 4.0 - Vogue Cosmetics - Instructions for use


Wash your hair several times with the clarifying shampoo and leave on for the last 5 minutes. (Do not brush as this may close the cuticles.) Partially dry.

Divide the hair into 4 parts apply the product from the root to the tip starting at the nape of the neck, comb well to distribute the product evenly and remove the excess. All you need is a little bit of product, no need to saturate them, you risk having a cardboard effect which will fade after 2/3 shampoos.



For all hair types:

  • Break time of 35 to 45 minutes
  • Rinse but leaving a tiny bit of product.
  • Do a brushing. Then divide the hair into 4 to go to the straightening iron step
  • Start at the nape of the neck, taking fine locks at 190-210 degrees.
  • Go 20 to 25 times until you find that the wick becomes silky


For very curly / frizzy / afro hair

  • Break time of 50 to 60 minutes.
  • Rinse hair leaving a tiny bit of product.
  • Do a brushing. Then divide the hair into 4 to go to the straightening iron step
  • Start at the nape of the neck, taking fine locks at 230 degrees.
  • Go 20 to 25 times until you find that the wick becomes silky.

For bleached / colored and highlighted hair:

  • Break time of 30 to 40 minutes.
  • Rinse the hair well and leave a small amount of product there.
  • Do a brushing. Then divide the hair into 4 to go to the straightening iron step
  • Start at the nape of the neck, taking thin strands at 180 degrees.
  • Pass 15 to 20 times until you find that the wick becomes silky.


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