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Livraison OFFERTE dès 90 €uros d'achats vers la
France, Belgique, Espagne, Pays-Bas, Luxembourg.

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Lisa Protein - Deby Hair - Instructions

Bio Tanix with care - Premium - Instructions for use
  • The product is to be applied on clean and dry hair. You can do a clarifying shampoo if you want, but it's not necessary.
  • Divide the hair into 4 parts to prepare them to receive the treatment


Bio Tanix with care - Premium - Instructions for use
  • Shake and pour the Lisa Protein product into a bowl.
  • Work in thin strands starting at the nape of the neck.
  • Apply the product 1cm from the scalp to the tip and knead the wick well
  • Pass with a fine comb several times for a good distribution of the product and remove the surplus that you can put back on the next strand.
It's up to you to adjust the pause time according to the condition of the hair, the degree of frizz and its history
  • Leave the product to act between 25 and 30 minutes on fine, bleached or very damaged hair.
  • 45 minutes on medium hair
  • 60 minutes on resistant and thick hair
It's up to you to adjust the intensity of the rinse according to the type and condition of the hair,
  • * Fine, blonde, damaged hair - rinse everything out
    * Medium hair - 80% rinse
    * Thick hair - rinse 60%
Bio Tanix with care - Premium - Instructions for use
  • Dry the hair 100% using a dryer and a brush, no need to blow-dry perfectly.
Bio Tanix with care - Premium - Instructions for use

  • Divide the hair into 4 sections, smooth each section 0.5cm thick with a straightening iron 10 to 15 times at 220°
  • ØOn bleached, fragile, dry hair, from 180°C to 200°C
  • ØOn normal hair from 210 to 230°C
Bio Tanix with care - Premium - Instructions for use

  • Once the straightening is finished*, rinse the hair, wring it well and apply a moisturizing mask that you leave on for a few minutes, rinse and dry with your finger or using a brush.

* Possibility of rinsing immediately after 30min or leaving it for a maximum of 48h
On blond and sensitized hair, it is strongly recommended to rinse immediately after the hair has completely cooled.


* Product for professional use (to be carried out by a trained person)


Lisa protein


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